Take a moment

In the vein of practice makes perfect.  And we do aspire to being perfect or to being the best us that we can, don’t we?

Every 30 minutes or so stop, breathe and do one of the following:

  • Think of another and with compassion wish for them to be happy and free from suffering (anybody – not just your friends), or
  • Pick one element of your life and with a true heart give thanks for that blessing, or
  • Look at something and, without judgement, truly see it, coffee cup, or anything else in front of you, or
  • If applicable take the time to say those mantra’s, rosary, or other pledge/aspirational statement, or
  • Just breathe, in and out, and feel the breathe and let thoughts, feelings or emotions wash over you.

Take a deep breath and with clear vision of what you will achieve – get back to work! 😀

Posted on November 21, 2013, in Thoughts. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

What is your A'ha Moment or Comment?