Daily Archives: November 17, 2013



Today as the Sunday sun rises and announces a new day in whichever part of the world you might be in. Take the time to be thankful for whatever that you have.

If you had a place to sleep, give thanks and develop the wish for all people to have a place to sleep.

If you have food, give thanks and develop the wish for all people to have food.

If you have health, give thanks and develop the wish for all people to have health.

If you are happy and free from suffering … well, you know what to do.

When we sit to our worship and our prayers, request not for ourselves but for others that they may be well, may be happy, may be free from suffering and the causes of suffering, and may they live at ease.

Wish this for loved ones, acquaintances, those that we might call enemies, and for all those that are in times of famine, crisis or war.

This is my wish.